FGSL Case Studies

Get inspired by London schools that are already growing food and try it yourself!
Already growing food? Share your story with us by and you could be featured on the FGSL website or blog.
Case studies about Food Growing Schools: London project delivery
- Working in partnership with councils to support school food growing, Bexley
- Incorporating food growing into the science curriculum
- Using social media to support school food growing
Case studies about schools growing food
- Charlton Manor Primary, Greenwich - A whole school approach
- Rhyl Primary School, Camden - Using all resources
- Chisenhale Primary, Tower Hamlets - A growing journey
- Tri-borough - Supporting schools: a council's perspective
- Dormers Wells High School, Ealing - Growing your own business
- John Ruskin Primary, Southwark - Making space for food growing
- Charlton Park Academy, Greenwich - Access for all, growing for pupils with SEN
- Pooles Park Primary, Islington - School growing the organic way
- Lowther Primary School, Richmond - Community allotment project, involving parents, staff, students and the school chef
- Melcome Primary, Hammersmith and Fulham - Growing in a small space, creating an outdoor classroom, working with volunteers.
- Nightingale Primary, Hackney - Enterprise Food Garden Award Winners
- St Scholasticas Primary, Hackney - Gardening for health
- Mulberry School for Girls, Tower Hamlets - Working with corporate volunteers
Stories gathered by our partners
- Sacred Heart Primary School - working together with a local allotment organisation (School Food Matters).
- Growing Enterprise project - young people with Special Educational Needs growing, marketing and selling organic products, photo above (Garden Organic).
- Hitherfield Primary School, Lambeth - working with local businesses in Lambeth (Trees for Cities)
- Lambeth - a borough wide approach to food growing
- Phoenix High School, White City - selling to the local community and for school cooking lessons. (School Food Matters).
School enterprise stories - Discover more about how to combine food growing with enterprise activities through our Grow Your Own Business school project activities, and get involved.
School enterprise stories
Be inspired by schools who are already growing their own businesses!
- Dormers Wells High School, Ealing - Growing your own business
- Charlton Manor Primary, Greenwich - A whole school approach, school cafe and shop
- Nightingale Primary, Hackney - from beginners to winners in just one year! Edible Garden Award 2014 winners for their Enterprise Food Garden (Garden Organic for FGSL. 4.MB Pdf)
- Lowther Primary School, Richmond - Community allotment project, involving parents, staff, students and the school chef (Garden Organic for FGSL. 3.5MB Pdf)
- Phoenix High School - selling to the local community and for school cooking lessons. White City. (Pdf. School Food Matters).
- Hitherfield Primary School, Lambeth - working with local businesses in Lambeth (Link. Garden Organic for FGSL)
- Lambeth - a borough wide approach to food growing
- Growing Enterprise project - young people with Special Educational Needs growing, marketing and selling organic products, photo above (Pdf. Garden Organic).
Visit our Pinterest page to see some of the stories in more depth.
Partner school enterprise projects
- Young Marketeers at Borough Market (School Food Matters)
- Schools to Market at Whole Foods Market (School Food Matters)
- Grow to Sell (Capital Growth) - suitable for secondary schools and above only
- Growing Enterprise (Garden Organic)
- Teach a Man to Fish
- School Farmers' Markets (Soil Association)
For information about all our project partners visit: foodgrowingschools.org/about/ourpartners