How to: get help from your local community
Involving your local community can create a real sense of shared ownership of the garden, and give your students opportunity to learn from the wider world while concentrating on a school project together.
Don’t do it alone! There is a lot of help available locally to help you grow food at school from Food Growing Schools, volunteers, as well as other organisations. For many resources and useful links visit:
Organisations that can help you
The Food Growing Schools: London partnership brings together the very best of London’s food growing expertise, information and support, with the ambition to inspire and equip every school in London to grow their own food. About us
Here are some of the ways each of our partners can help your school Sping into Growing.
- Garden Organic - Garden Organic’s growing cards
- Capital Growth - Capital Growth’s training events
- School Food Matters - School Food Matters marketplaces
- Trees for Cities - Trees for Cities Edible Playgrounds builds
- RHS - RHS training programme
- Food for Life - Food for Life awards
Have you seen our free Directory of organisations available to help your school grow food? Search for your borough and discover the growing community and green spaces around you: Directory
Community support to grow
Discover the growing community around you. We believe that London schools should be connected with local support – from food networks and community gardens, to green-fingered locals and food businesses. A community on your doorstep helping you grow. For hints and tips, visit our Community pages:
- Parents and local residents - can offer practical skills, time and energy:
- Local businesses – can offer practical skills, sponsorship and materials, in return for corporate social responsibility (CSR) opportunities for their staff and profile raising locally:
- To find volunteers or corporate volunteer groups: use Capital Growth’s volunteer finding network
Activities to do with your local community
Food Growing Schools: London have produced termly themed packs to make managing the garden term by term easier, with community support. Download them free on our website and get involved:
Be inspired!
Be inspired by London schools that are already growing food, and try it yourself!
- Nightingale Primary, Hackney - Enterprise Food Garden Award Winners
- Lowther Primary School, Richmond - Community allotment project, involving parents, staff, students and the school chef
- Melcome Primary, Hammersmith and Fulham - Growing in a small space, creating an outdoor classroom, working with volunteers.
- St Scholasticas Primary, Hackney - Gardening for health
- Mulberry School for Girls, Tower Hamlets - Working with corporate volunteers
Read London school food growing success stories here: Success stories
Growathon - Ready. Set. Grow!
Be part of something bigger - join 10,000 young London growers for the school food growing challenge of the year, and get your community involved. Growathon happenings include competitions, giveaways and events. How many students are growing in your school? Add your own food growing activities and students to the Growathon Carrot Totaliser – and watch the numbers of young people involved grow!